Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Reading Tea Leaves

My Paternal Grandmother was occasionally encouraged to look for patterns in the Tea Leaves at the bottom of her cup. Certain relatives were convinced that she was able to 'read' them and so divine the future.

Our 'Scientific' Culture is sometimes no better than this. It thinks that it sees patterns and then tries to direct us, based on these dimly perceived shapes.

Modern people are obsessed with 'Codes' , 'Ciphers' and Patterns. You can make a fortune writing books which claim to 'unlock' the secrets of either Science or Religion by means of some hitherto hidden key.

Modern Scientists try to do the same thing, to circumvent the need for Allah/ God Almighty by discovering the Ultimate 'Theory of Everything'.

In my view, this is the work of the Devil. True Religion does not base itself on Occult 'Knowledge'. It bases itself on trying to please God by following his Will.

There is nothing wrong with marvelling at Gods Creation or expanding ones Knowledge but this must never become the basis of Faith.

Human Beings will Never know the 'Secrets of the Universe' or at least, only as far as Allah/God Almighty permits it. We should learn to just sit back and admire and stop trying to control everything all the while.

'What is this life, if full of care, we have no time, to stand and stare'.

In other words, we need to be more Humble.

Be thankful when some Observation or Research serves to benefit us, relieves our suffering or satisfies our curiosity but stop fooling ourselves that we can ever really 'understand' what we are a part of.

Knowledge is a Gift, not a Right.

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