Friday, April 20, 2007

Self Worth

Employers are under market pressure to minimise any dependence
they may have on your individual characteristics.
Whenever possible, they will attempt to 'dumb down' your job and depersonalise it.

The reason for this is that they need to make sure that they could replace
you and that your 'price' in the labour market does not become too high.

Always take it with a very large 'pinch of salt' when an employer declares that
'we would not want to lose you'.
They only mean that it would be inconvenient to lose you right now.
In practice they will work towards making you replaceable.

To be fair to employers, this is something of a two edged sword.
Just as business has a tendency to produce a situation where one person is as good as another, employees are equally at liberty
in a 'free' market - to treat employers in the same way.
One job being much like another.

The hard fact has to be faced. Employers have little real regard for your individuality.
It is always something of a threat to them.
They only tolerate it when they have to.
It is therefore unwise to base your sense of self worth, on your employment.

Far better to adopt a relatively mercenary view of your employment
because you can be sure that your employer will be taking a relatively mercenary view of you.
Of course, they will deny this and claim that you are as much an 'investment'
as the rest of their assets.

Some employers actually believe this.
However their actions hardly ever match their words, in the long run.

Base your sense of being valued on a firm foundation. Base it on God, true friends, family and chiefly your self. None, except God, will ever value you as highly as you value yourself.

Do not accept the valuation of the 'market place'
a valuation which will always sell you short and which is based on mere expediency.

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